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Deep Dive ep. 597 - 2023 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Season Preview

0 爪驻讬讜转 08/15/23
Deep Dive Gambling Podcast
Deep Dive Gambling Podcast
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The NFC South is an interesting division without a great team. The Bucs actually have a good roster outside of the quarterback position which is going to make contending very difficult. Free NFL Survivor Pool, Winner is heading to Vegas for the Super Bowl: http://bit.ly/3YiLqpX Come try the future of live betting with our partner Sporttrade; zero bet delays and fair cashouts. https://tinyurl.com/yckva339 Follow Andy on Twitter 馃憠馃徏 https://twitter.com/AndyMSFW Follow Drew on Twitter 馃憠馃徏 https://twitter.com/whale_capper 0:00 Intro 0:30 Welcome 1:40 Buccaneers 2022 Recap 32:46 Buccaneers Offseason Grades 38:48 Buccaneers Schedule 46:56 Buccaneers Odds 49:26 Buccaneers Range of Outcomes 51:45 Buccaneers Betting Plan of Attack

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