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Discussing Dialysis and Whistleblowing with "How to Make a Killing" Author Tom Mueller
More about Tom's books here: How to Make a Killing: Blood, Death, and Dollars in American Medicine.Crisis of Conscience: Whistleblowing in an Age of FraudExtra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive OilWatch our interview with Whistleblower Elin Kunz here.------------------Fraud in America is made possible by the generous donation of Getnick & Getnick LLP, a boutique Manhattan law firm dedicated to fighting fraud and promoting business integrity.------------------<br />Fraud in America Social Links<br />🌐 Website<br />🐦 Twitter<br />🎥 YouTube<br />👔 LinkedIn<br />------------------<br />To learn more about Fraud in America, visit taf.org/podcast.Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at info@fraudinamerica.com."Fraud in America" is produced by Jeb White, James King, and Jacklyn DeMar; research by Kathleen Scanlan and Max Voldman; edited by Rachel Brooks; original music by Connor Kaos.Fraud in America is a project of The Anti-Fraud Coalition, a 501(c)(3) organization. You can learn more about it at taf.org.