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Djay McGrath joins me in studio to talk about men's mental health.
Djay is former hockey player and person in recovery who has turned his experiences with addiction into a positive message that you won't want to miss! <br/><br/>Follow Djay on Instagram here Support the showWe've got fresh merch and it's amazing! Pick yours up HERE<br/><br/>See a trailer for this Sunday Night's upcoming live stream HERE While you're there please consider liking, subscribing, and turning on notifications so you don't miss a thing!<br/> <br/>Are you getting something from our content? Buy us a coffee to say thanks and help us keep this train on the tracks! <br/>https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hardknox...<br/><br/>Stay up to date on all our upcoming live streams by visiting our website and getting on our email list. While you're there, you can learn more about our sponsors, or check out our shop and pick up some merch! <br/>https://www.hardknoxtalks.com/<br/><br/>Check us out on YouTube:<br/>https://www.youtube.com/@hardknoxtalks<br/><br/><br/><br/>