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Do Not Ignore: Relationship Red Flags
When contemplating going into a relationship, red flags are behavioural tendencies or feelings / signals that gives you serious pause and shows a pattern. It makes you feel uncomfortable. It is a sign that means the person probably cannot have a healthy relationship and the party proceeds together would be emotionally dangerous, according to Dr Wendy Walsh a clinical psychologist. They are often hard to spot..Contact us @ Rising Above Shadows of Abuse Email: risingaboveshadowsofabuse@gmail.comTo contribute, use #participation to be a guest, # feedback or comment on the subject title.To share your story on the podcast, kindly send an email to: risingaboveshadowsofabuse@gmail.com - using #STORY for subject title.Kindly leave a review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/....podcast/rising-above RASA Podcast on social media.Twitter: https://twitter.com/risinaboveabuseTikTok: https://tiktok.com/risingabove....shadowsofabuseYouTub https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UColB9fTRkBSuon4lf https://patreon.com/risingaboveshadowsofabuse