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Do rent to rent HMO contracts have to be 5 years?
152 – Understanding your contracts is an extremely important part of the rent to rent process and a question I get asked a lot about is the minimum length of a contract.I think this question stems from fear that things won't work out and you will be tied into a long contract.<br/><br/>When we take on a R2R property, we prefer to make our contracts 5 years. But why do we prefer contracts for a longer period?<br/><br/>This is because onboarding and tenanting a property requires an investment of our team’s time. <br/><br/>And if we’re paying for a refurb, it’s an investment of our money too. <br/><br/>Therefore, we prefer contracts for a longer period.But what would work best for you?<br/><br/>Click here to watch and listen to the episode<br/>✅ https://rent2rentsuccess.com/152 ✅<br/><br/>You can find out more about the ethical way to make money from properties you don’t own with our FREE Rent to Rent Masterclass and Guide.<br/>✅ Free Rent 2 Rent Success Guide & Masterclass✅<br/><br/>You can have you question answered at<br/>✅ https://rent2rentsuccess.com/ask ✅<br/><br/>You can now also follow us on TikTok @rent2rentsuccess Support the show