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Does an Open Bottle Taste Different than a New Bottle
In this episode, Whiskey Biz meets Science. You may have heard this before, whiskey has a specific amount of time that it is good for once opened. Also, some say to let their whiskey breathe before trying, meaning open your bottle and let it meet the air for a little before trying it. But does any of this actually matter? Well, that is what we are trying to figure out. Our thought is that there really isn't much of an impact, but what do you think? Listen in to hear our thoughts on this as we try a freshly cracked bottle, one that was open about 3 months ago and one that was opened about 6 months ago. As much as we love our whiskey talks, it is a bit shorter this episode as our whole episode is pretty much a whiskey talk. As a side note, please forgive Rob's bad joke, it truly is a joke and not how he/we feel. As always, thank you for listening and "Keep it neat friends".Email: whiskeybizpodcask@gmail.comIG/TikTok/Twitch: @whiskeybizpodcaskYoutube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCs16q1Q7hF0m8N3O1 www.patreon.com/whiskeybizpodcaskWebsite: Whiskeybizpodcask.comPromo Codes: podcask5 @ cwspirits.com and empirejerky.com