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Don't Quit Before the Miracle Happens
What does it mean when we hear people say, "Don't Stop Before The Miracle Happens?" It means toughing it out during the hard times, now matter how long it takes. Because if you do the work long enough, you will be able to handle life on life's terms, without taking a drink.<br/><br/>On this episode, Matt, Steve and John talk about their own experiences with the impatience it takes to get to the point where you look back and say, "I don't need that drink anymore to deal with this problem," and how there are other parts of life that require patience, that we have to summon all our strength to get.<br/><br/>Cantina Blues - Take the Lead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/li....censes/by/4.0/Source http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht Extraordinary Powers of the Human Mind
There are no limits to what the human mind can accomplish. And you don’t have to be a...
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