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Don’t Act On Ego & Stick To Your Guns W/ Shawn Winslow
Host Chaz Wolfe brings on Shawn Winslow, a 7+ figure king in the real estate industry. Shawn is the managing partner at Greenbriar Capital Group that invests in multi-family apartment communities across the country. Not only is Shawn passionate about building wealth, but he has a passion for helping others by giving away 10% of his business’ profits each year. In this episode, Chaz and Shawn discuss what it means to take action, trusting mentors, and avoiding the hazards of ego. Tune in today and learn from Shawn’s experience to grow your business up to and beyond 7 figures. During this episode, you will learn about;
[01:27] Intro to Shawn and his business[02:27] Why Shawn continues to push[04:17] Shawn’s move into entrepreneurship[07:17] What drew Shawn to his purpose[08:46] A good decision Shawn made[13:30] The biggest lesson Shawn learned[15:36] A bad decision Shawn made[18:32] How Shawn leverages partnerships[22:23] Shawn’s approach to decision-making[27:56] If Shawn could only use one trackable metric, what would it be?[29:42] Shawn’s view on masterminding[31:02] If Shawn only had one hour a week, how would he use it?[32:24] What Shawn would do if he lost it all[35:09] How to connect with Shawn[36:20] How to connect with Chaz and info on the GTK 90 day intensive
Notable Quotes
“Nothing worth having should be given to you. You should work for it.” - Shawn Winslow
“At the end of the day, I was working for someone else's dream, not my own.” - Shawn Winslow
“Keep surrounding yourself with people that are above you.” - Shawn Winslow
“It's not that you're taking advantage of someone else or that you're too good to do it, it's that you can actually go help people.” - Shawn Winslow
“Don't act on ego, and stick to your guns.” - Shawn Winslow
Books and Resources Recommended:
Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardyhttps://www.amazon.com/Who-Not-How-Accelerating-Teamwork/dp/1401962327/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
The EMyth by Michael Gerberhttps://www.amazon.com/Myth-Most-Businesses-Dont-About/dp/0887303625
Let’s Connect!
Shawn Winslow:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shawnwinsrei/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shawn.winslow.7LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawnwinslow/ Podcast: Multifamily Money Website: greenbriarcg.com
Chaz Wolfe (Host): Website: https://www.chazwolfe.com/gathering-the-kings.htmlFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/chazwolfe/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gatheringthekings/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chaz-wolfe-86767054/TikTok: