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Don’t Be Afraid of Conflict, That You Forgo Reason
In this episode, I talk about why avoiding conflict moves you further away from your intended peace and harmony, how to deal with conflict in a more meaningful and productive way, the illusion of safety that comes from avoiding dealing with things and the long term consequences that come from that, the costs of avoiding conflict, how dealing with conflict can propel so many good things in your life and more!Follow me on Instagram @mattgottesmanJump on my weekly texts for the soul here 480-530-7352My writing mattgottesman.substack.com
FREE Reverse Engineer Your Life (Clarity Crash Course): Time, Energy, Money, Creativity, Work, Rest & Play - https://mattgottesman.com/reverse-engineer-your-life
Other Related Episodes:You Can Be Kind & Have BoundariesApple: https://apple.co/3qwuYGlSpotify: https://spoti.fi/3QF5Wzn