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Dr. William Morice, President of the Mayo Clinic Laboratories
Welcome to the Becker's Healthcare podcast, where host Molly Gamble, Vice President of Editorial, engages in an insightful conversation with Dr. William Morice, President of the Mayo Clinic Laboratories. With over two decades of experience at Mayo Clinic, Dr. Morice shares his perspectives on the evolving role of laboratories, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss the lasting effects of increased reliance on labs, greater awareness of pathology as a specialty, and societal expectations for improved accessibility of testing. Dr. Morice highlights Mayo Clinic's clinical and lab capabilities, emphasizing the institution's rich history in diagnostics and lab medicine. They also explore the concern of overutilization of diagnostics, the emerging era of data integration for enhanced patient care, and the challenges in policy affecting lab reimbursement. Don't miss this engaging episode filled with valuable insights from a leader in the field, as Dr. Morice shares advice for colleagues and highlights the importance of following curiosity and passion in one's professional journey.