Evangelism and Reaching Gen Z | Dr. Billy Wilson, President, Oral Roberts University
Evangelism and Reaching Gen Z | Dr. Billy Wilson, President, Oral Roberts University You can change the world! Join Phil Cooke in this conversation with Dr. Billy Wilson, president of Oral Roberts University, as they discuss the importance of reaching Gen Z with the gospel. https://philcooke.com In this thought-provoking discussion, you’ll find out how this rising generation thinks and how to effectively share the message of Christ with them. Author of “Generation Z: Born for the Storm” and “The Power of One: Reaching Every Person on Earth,” Wilson also shares about the E21 global initiative for evangelism and ways you can make a difference with your faith by reaching just one person today. Get my FREE DOWNLOAD and transform your creative leadership skills when you sign up for my newsletter here: https://www.philcooke.com/subscribe/ Get my new book: “Ideas on a Deadline: How to Be Creative When the Clock is Ticking” Order today and get BONUS resource materials to instantly elevate your creativity. https://www.philcooke.com/ideasonadeadline/ #Audiobook available on Audible now: https://adbl.co/3QoD7DE Subscribe to my podcast for more career advice and creative leadership skills: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phil-cooke-podcast/id1439369056 Prefer video? Subscribe to my YouTube channel to level up your creative leadership skills: https://www.youtube.com/c/phil....cookeofficial?sub_co ======================================== Phil Cooke – Media Producer/Writer/Speaker/CoachHelping Creative Leaders Influence the World Do you have a message or story the world needs to hear? I offer advice on creative leadership, digital media, branding, marketing, film and television production – and the faith to take you from where you are in your ministry or career to where you want to be. As a filmmaker, media consultant and co-founder of Cooke Media Group in Los Angeles, my client list includes Hollywood studios, major nonprofit organizations, and many of the most respected churches and ministries in the world. I’ve produced media programming in nearly 70 countries and created many of the most influential inspirational TV programs in history. My philosophy? Get your ideas out there and change the world in the process. ========================== Connect with me on social media: Twitter https://twitter.com/philcooke Facebook https://www.facebook.com/philcookepage/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/philcooke/ Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/philcookes-podcast/id1439369056 Find out about Cooke Media Group here: https://www.cookemediagroup.com =========================== *More About This Episode* Evangelism and Reaching Gen Z | Dr. Billy Wilson, President, Oral Roberts University Dr. Wil