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Drew and Mike – September 17, 2023
Detroit Lions lose, Eli Zaret stops by, WATP’s live show recap, Russell Brand sex assault accusations, Jann Wenner off the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame board, Mile High Club guy breaks his silence, Drew Crime, and Pacman Jones is mad at Drew. Eli Zaret Sees It His Way on the Detroit Lions 37-31 loss to the Seattle Seahawks, “clock recklessness”, rip on Gary Danielson, stupid NFL overtime rules, Barry Sanders new statue, the Michigan State Spartans smoked by Washington, Michigan’s gravy train schedule, Coach Prime & Colorado roll on, and a list of things Eli hates in sports (everything). Lee Corso is still old. The live WATP show was a hit! We received confirmation of Ted’s stinger lyrics: “Your voice is __________” Pacman Jones vs Drew “Anus” Lane. The Mile High Club guy has broken his silence and seems heartbroken. Lauren Boebert was busted being a bitch in a theater last week. She’s super sorry now that the video is out. Hugh Jackman finally decided to dump his “way older” wife. Russell Brand accused of rape and sexual assault. He defends himself by blaming the “mainstream media”. Ashton Kutcher virtue signals in his resignation from Thorn. The ugly Kutcher brother hates Ashton too.