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E 4.8 - Succession Planning: Transferring Social Capital To The Next Generation with Rick Turoczy
For our last interview of the season, we’re headed to Portland, Oregon, to chat with Rick Turoczy.
As Silicon Florist and co-founder and general manager of the Portland Incubator Experiment, or PIE, Rick has been supporting founders in the Portland startup community for fifteen years.
We talked about how you might plan for succession as a keystone in your community, how you transfer social capital, and how you might leverage your social capital to put the next generation of ecosystem builders in place.
Even though he will never say so himself, Rick is an institution in the Portland startup community and I couldn’t think of a better guest to close out this season.
Listen to the full episode to hear:
Why Rick believes in being place-motivated and focusing on a community
The unique challenges of building community in a city with a small-town feel
Why ecosystem builders need to be wary of nostalgia for what used to work
Why ecosystem builders need to think more like entrepreneurs when it comes to scarcity and abundance
Why Rick says the first step to building trust is showing up
Learn More About Rick Turoczy:
Portland Incubator Experiment
Silicon Florist
Twitter: @turoczy
Learn More About Anika Horn:
Website: www.socialventurers.com
Instagram: SocialVenturers
Newsletter: Sign up for Impact Curator
Rick’s written interview on Social Venturers (2020)
Stephen Green
Mitch Daugherty
Startup Champions Network
The Startup Community Way