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E128: You're getting sacked in the morning... ding dong the Beljo's gonna chime!
It's episode 128 and in the studio this week we've been blitzing a whopping eight games in December between the Premier League, Champions League and League Cup with more mixed results this week. Now, Shane's not been sacked - yet - though we're playing through some live elements this episode to see if it will happen or if he can actually pull off the greatest of escapes. Augsburg just needed to reach January before going on a five-month rip, can the same happen at Old Trafford this season?PSG and Villarreal make appearances in the Champions League group stages as we move into matchday six while trips to Everton and Leicester are on the menu for the League Cup quarter-finals. The Premier League games aren't too easy either, there are some players getting itchy feet with the transfer window looming, the injuries are racking up again and it's really getting into squeaky-bum time at the lower end of the table.Get in touch with the podcast on Twitter @fmfshow, Ken's @tacticalmanager and Shane's @sirsok1. You can also email podcast@fmfshow.com with new episodes coming your way every Friday. Contains strong language.