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E131: The most wonderful time of the year - Transfer Deadline Day in Football Manager [Live Episode]
Like two kids in a sweetshop, Ken and Shane have money to burn and it's transfer deadline day so we're going with one more live episode to get us across the line and into February.For Ken, there's about €20m to play with at Anfield though with the squad registration full, it's got to be one-in-one-out and the offers aren't exactly forthcoming. Shane has a shade over €60m to play with a new job as he takes over Hoffenheim. Can he rebuild the squad in his own vision, in one day, and get a win in his first game as manager which happens to be against his old club Augsburg?Getting the sack from United means Shane also misses the trip to Anfield and a chance to avenge a 4-1 defeat at the start of the season as Ken gets to grips with Antonio Conte, freshly installed in the dugout of the Red Devils.So we finally wave goodbye to January, get our first game in February under our belts and we've now both got some European football to look forward to this month.Definitely contains strong language. Get in touch on X (RIP, Twitter) @fmfshow, @tacticalmanager and @sirsok1 and get new episodes every Friday wherever you do your podcast listening.