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E133: Old Football Manager habits die hard [Live episode]
We're back in the studio again this week for another live-play fix from the topsy-turvy world of our Football Manager multiverse. This week we'll- Find out what Ken's been up to with Benfica
- Get the latest from Shane on his return to Preston and Man United
- Take in some Europa Conference League, FA Cup, Premier League, Bundesliga AND Champions League action
- Discuss player development while dissecting each others' work and moreIt gets animated but we'll quickly discover that some old Football Manager habits die hard. Very hard.Contains strong language. Get new episodes every Friday wherever you do your podcast listening and check the website for more on FMFShow.com. You can also tweet @tacticalmanager, @sirsok1 or @fmfshow. And if you like what you hear, take a moment to tap that 5* review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or anywhere that will take a good word these days. X