E9: The Walk-On Mentality w/ Russell Doup
Russell Doup is an LPL financial planner, a motivational speaker, and NCAA football champion.As a former collegiate walk-on himself, Russell joins us to share what it means to lead with a “walk-on mentality”. This is a message on opportunities, and the incredible things that can happen when we decide to capture them.Russell Doup Introduction (1:40)We learn about our guest and his incredible mindset that all of us could stand to adopt. Russell “kicks” things off by sharing his story, his background, and the motivation behind his walk-on mentality.What is the Walk-On Mentality? (3:08)We all have a subconscious potential that we need to discover. Russell does a deep dive on the walk-on mentality, beginning with the first key, of being open to opportunities.Why Do We Say “No” to Opportunities? (8:07)We all do it. We make a decision based on limiting beliefs. We don’t get to experience the incredible benefits of not being afraid of rejection. Russell shares his unlikely story about joining his high school football TEAM as a senior.Walking On at THE Ohio State University (10:18)Russell’s father suggested that they invest in kicking lessons without expectations beyond high school. His kicking coach then suggested that Russell considered kicking in college because he had a strong leg. After making a recruiting tape, he thought “What’s the worst that could happen if I sent this in to Ohio State?”. He fully expected the best thing to happen was a rejection letter he could get and hold on to for a cool story. Instead, OSU replied and asked him if he was interested in trying out!Click HERE to watch Russell's Recruiting Tape referenced in this episode. How can I be the big fish in the big pond? (14:51)We often don’t consider the opportunity to be the greatest possible outcome there could be. Rather, we unintentionally settle because of limiting beliefs and a scarcity mindset. Russell breaks down this concept and helps us understand the importance of adopting an abundance mindset.On the Grind (19:13)Russell shares what he does as an LPL Financial Planner, and how he helps his clients get from point “A” to point “B”. The approach that really sets Russell apart from the rest is his concept of financial leadership. He walks alongside his clients on their journey, and Russell is always available for them along the way.Find Out Why Urban Meyer Kicked the TEAM Out of the Locker Room! (26:40)Have a great day, everyone. Don’t forget to smile today. Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. I’m Josh Parnell, reminding you to keep leading well.Watch the FULL episode on YouTube by clicking HERE.