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Echo Chamber - 273 - Part Two
We have more goodness for you, in 'Part TWO, of @EchoChamberFP https://www.instagram.com/echochamberfp/ this week!!!
There is something for all the family in this new offering from REVIVE Productions, Check the Gate Productions & Entertainment Squad. It's the story of finding an anchor, in the people we hold dear. THEN, we have a wonderful time chatting with two of the creative minds behind this project. Finding out what anchors them and enables their imaginations to soar!!! Watch the conversation: HERE! https://youtu.be/2PqtYVrknVM
Today we have:
Into the Spotlight
Watch Review: Here. https://youtu.be/njYl9Z9n-Qs
Digital Release Date: 1st September 2023
Director: Lisa Arnold
Cast: Kate Larson, Leigh-Allyn Baker, Kevin Sizemore, Marisa Lynae Hampton, Justin Sterner, Raphael Ruggero, Alena Pitts, Karen Abercrombie, Anthony Evans, Iain Tucker, Victoria Jackson, Steve Parnell, Isabelle Almoyan, Charlie Warren, Brooke Tin, Olivia Pitts, Jeff Allen, Amber Sweet Sterner, Sharayah Daves
Credit: Revive Productions, Check the Gate Productions
Genre: Drama, Musical
Running Time: 89 min
Cert: 15
Trailer: Here. https://youtu.be/qe72_BaMdeE
Digital Platforms: Apple TV+, Google, iTunes, Prime Video, YouTube
Watch via Apple TV+: Here. https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/....into-the-spotlight/u
Website: Here. https://intothespotlightfilm.com/
Facebook: Here. https://www.facebook.com/IntoTheSpotlightFilm/
Instagram: @intothespotlightmovie https://www.instagram.com/intothespotlightmovie/
YouTube: Here. https://www.youtube.com/@intot....hespotlightoriginalm
'Pray' by MC Hammer - 1990
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