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ECP. Episode 11| “Are the Older Generation worse than us?”, UK media Bias in Lucy letby case”
ECP has achieved its second milestone! Welcome to Episode 11, celebrating our 1k subscribers on YouTube. In this episode, the hosts welcomed a special guest, Josh, and kicked things off by discussing Asake's concert (2:07). The conversation then turned to how they would react if they were ever to face cancellation (7:08). Additionally, they delved into the world of TikTok, talking about the need to embrace a certain level of "corniness" to gain popularity and addressing concerns about the negative vibes in the UK that need to change (9:17). The episode took an intriguing turn when Sol remarked that Lucy Letby doesn't fit the profile of a typical serial killer (13:54). Vuyo added to the discussion by suggesting that Lucy Letby might be escaping justice due to her being a white woman (15:07).Stay tuned for more dilemmas and engaging content.Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and share your dilemmas, stories, or experiences with our podcast hosts!