Editing translated materials: With Andy Hodges
Find out about the artistry of editing translated materials with Denise Cowle, Louise Harnby and Andy Hodges.Listen to find out more aboutTypes of translated materialsThe difference between editing a translation and editing a text written in English by a multilingual authorStylistic editing and technical copyediting of translated materialsWhether an editor needs to be proficient in the source language of a translated textGeneral issues to watch out for when editing translated materialsWorking with translated literary/fiction textsBeyond Anglo-American story structures: Kishōtenketsu and conflict<br/>ResourcesEditing translated English (Allison Turner)Kishōtenketsu: Exploring the Four Act Story Structure (John; The Art of Narrative)The Narrative Craft (Andy Hodges, fiction editor and book coach)<br/>Sign up for alerts about our publicationsWant to hone your editorial business skills? Our actionable guides and workbooks will help you plan and implement a programme for business growth and development. Sign up for alerts and we'll let you know when our publications are live and how to order: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/646bf79c644615ff2d1ada1a<br/>Support The Editing PodcastTip your hosts: Support Louise and Denise with a one-off tip of your choosing.theeditingpodcast.captivate.fm/support<br/>Join our Patreon community: Our patrons benefit from access to PDF transcripts for episodes featuring just Louise and Denise, and for some of our guest episodes. patreon.com/editingpodcast<br/>Denise and LouiseDenise Cowle: denisecowleeditorial.comLouise Harnby: harnby.co/fiction-editing<br/>Music credit'Vivacity’ by Kevin MacLeodLink: https://filmmusic.io/song/4593-vivacityLicence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/<br/>