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ENCORE EPISODE: Executive Director Jason Varga of Cause Collective | The Official Do Good Better Podcast #267
Originally aired April 21, 2022. "The better we all know each other, the better we work together."Today Patrick is joined by Executive Director Jason Varga of Cause Collective.Cause Collective facilitates partnerships, collaborates with its members and is a central information sharing center for nonprofits in Lincoln, Nebraska.Learn More About Cause Collective: https://causecollectivelincoln.socs.net/Donate to Cause Collective: Cause Collective Donate Button Get on our waiting list for our new nonprofit & fundraising community filled with on-demand courses and live webinars that are exclusive to members! Learn all about what's in store to support you and your leadership team at www.DoGoodYOUniversity.com!Support This Podcast! Make a quick and easy donation here:https://www.patreon.com/dogoodbetterSpecial THANK YOU to our sponsors:Donor Dock - The best CRM system for your small to medium sized nonprofit, hands down! Visit www.DonorDock.com and use the Promo Code DOGOODBETTER for a FREE month!Brady Martz - The Nonprofit Audit Specialists! Visit www.BradyMartz.com to connect with folks to make your fiscal life a heckuvalot easier!iTunes: https://apple.co/3a3XenfSpotify: https://spoti.fi/2PlqRXsYouTube: https://bit.ly/3kaWYanTunein: http://tun.in/pjIVtStitcher: https://bit.ly/3i8jfDRFollow On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoGoo....dBetterPodcast/Follo On Twitter: @consulting_do #fundraising #fundraiser #charity #nonprofit #donate#dogood #dogoodBETTER #fargo #fundraisingdadAbout Host Patrick Kirby:Email: Patrick@dogoodbetterconsulting.comLinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fundraisingdad/Want more great advice? Buy Patrick's book! Now also available as an e-book!Fundraise Awesomer! A Practical Guide to Staying Sane While Doing GoodAvailable through Amazon Here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1072070359