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Ep 12- Niceness is not a Virtue (But Kindness Is)
Does it ever feel like we can't say anything, even if it's true, because it may hurt someone's feelings? Even if the person may benefit from the truth, we are supposed to be nice to them and not hurt their feelings. But is that the same thing as being kind?<br />We tend to think of kindness and niceness as being one and the same, and they do often go together. But I think they are two different approaches to life, and they give different outcomes. So what are the differences between being nice and being kind? Can focusing too much on being nice be a bad thing? And how can the two work together? Tune in to find out!<br /><br />Links:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IdiotIntelPod/Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheIdiotIntel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theidiotintellectual/