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Ep 13- What is Freedom of Speech?
In case you can't tell, I like to talk. A lot. And whether you like to talk as much as I do or not, you should probably love the freedom of speech just as much as I do; without it, we would not have the other freedoms we enjoy today. This is truly a massive subject, so this will be one of several episodes dedicated to free speech over the next few weeks.<br />This we, we get down to the basics. What is free speech, and what is it's purpose? What benefits does it offer our culture? And what do we do when we encounter speech that we don't like? Tune in this week to find out!<br /><br />Links:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IdiotIntelPod/Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheIdiotIntel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theidiotintellectual/