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Ep 23 - Monica Hanson, Stanford University ACT CCARE, on how compassion helps us evolve from burnout and resiliency and into post traumatic growth.
y guest today is my dear mentor, Monica Hanson.
Monica is a Stanford Lecturer and the Co-Founder and Director of Applied Compassion Training™ (ACT) at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education in the Clinical Excellence and Research Center at Stanford School of Medicine.
I have been a student of Monica’s this year. And the work that I have undertaken shapes the future direction of RTL.
I am so excited to share this episode with you, where Monica and I discuss:
What is compassion
The difference between compassion and empathy
Understanding compassion a skill and a science
Suffering in the legal profession
Understanding our triggers
Skilful responses to triggers in our personal and professional lives
What is burnout actually is
Why I am sceptical of resilience
How compassion can help us evolve from burnout and resilience and into post traumatic growth
Applying psychological safety to ourselves
The future direction of RTL.
I hope you enjoy this honest conversation and it helps open your eyes to the limitless possibilities as to where your legal career may take you.
Your host,
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