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Ep 238: What is the Scientific Method of Business? with Sabir Semerkant
As an entrepreneur, one of the most important things you can do is always question your assumptions and be willing to change your mind. This is what the scientific method is all about: constantly testing your hypotheses and then adapting based on the results. In business, this means that you should never blindly follow the "experts" or think that you are always right. Instead, always be willing to experiment and learn from your mistakes. This approach will help you stay flexible and agile, two essential qualities for any successful business.Episode Highlight:00:42 - To me, I would never say I'm right. Ever. Like as soon as you say that, go like, oh, you know what? I was right about that five dollar coupon. Look at how many people came back. Don't do that to yourself. Don't ever do that. In every boardroom, every executive management boardroom and everyone of those meetings, everybody looks at a north star person, right? The CEO is right, the CMO is right, The VP of Marketing is right, she is right because she is the VP of whatever, product management, right? As soon as you do that, you're bound to fail. 100%Connect with ElzieWebsiteLinkedInEmailConnect with SabirLinkedInWebsiteInstagram