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ep.25: why are we so insecure
why do you feel the constant need to compare yourself to the others? why are you not content with your body, your career, your relationship, etc.? insecurity is a big part of being human, and we believe that this underlying emotion is what always shapes our behaviours and patterns of dealing with different situations. what we also believe in though, is that once we really start to understand where all that insecurities come from, and feel for ourselves on a deeper level, we can break free of the chains that have been holding us back and truly become the people we want to be.. join us for our weekly DMC.. with a cup of tea (or psl) and a cozy blanket (or maybe a hyperpeaches merch blanket someday!! BIG HINTTT) follow us on FB/IG: @hyperpeaches (feel free to DM us or comment on any of our posts) we upload a new episode every other wednesday.