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Ep 26: Danielle Steel’s Skincare Routine | Interview with Laura Pavlov
Hey book besties! We had the joy of having author Laura Pavlov on the show with us! She is so kind and writes THE best small town romance books. Her newest book is out September 21st, so be sure and give this episode a listen and then check out ‘Before the Sunset’! Podcast Instagram: @smutshowpodcast Join our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6818519228162526/ Join our first Book Club: https://fable.co/club/smut-sho....w-book-club-with-rac Become a Patreon subscriber: http://patreon.com/WelcomeToTheSmutshow Connect with Laura: Instagram: @laurapavlovauthor TikTok: @laurapavlovauthor Check out her books here! Connect with Neely: Instagram: @neelykins TikTok: @booksandbarre Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/122825135 Connect with Rachel: Instagram: @rachel_mlewis TikTok: @rachel_mlewis Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/8632745 To see the books we talked about, visit our Amazon Store Front! https://www.amazon.com/shop/rachel_mlewis