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Ep. 52 - Don’t Paint Me as Some Angel, Even Though I’ve Got Bleached Hair w. Mike Purvis
Mike Purvis is an engineer, builders, and awesome human being. Early NEAR Core, co-founder at Croncats, and current contributor to Cosmos.Some of the topics we cover on this wide ranging conversation with Mike:
Origins Story - Mike joining NEAR early days (2020) - working alongside founding team, hustle beast mode on.
Serendipity - magic happens when people are bored together. Importance of IRL event - we are getting a castle in Burgundy!
Founder’s Journey - difference between being a salaried employee and a founder.
Product Market Fit v Value Creation at an early stage ecosystem.
Importance of User Experience - deconstructing what needs to be true for mass adoption to occur.
Market Trends - group think, follow the leader: everyone giving out grants, rise of the multi-chain raidooors (Scammers). Now everyone is too tight with grants - how can we support the builders?!
Extinction events - setting a deadline for differentiation.
Community and culture - in search for a tribe. Soft skills that matter.
Origins Story of Croncats!
Automation and Long Running Smart Contracts
AVB shills a few product ideas as bait - #getMikeBack
Governance - decentralising tech v decentralising human structures. The return of the benevolent king?!
Follow on Socials -Mike - https://twitter.com/mikedotexe
Croncats - https://twitter.com/croncatsAVB - https://twitter.com/AvbNear
Wuipod - https://twitter.com/wuipod