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Ep.55 - Ike Austin Part 1 - Hoop Dreams The Podcast
This we week we have former NBA Center Ike Austin on the Hoop Dreams Podcast. The big man hailing from Gridley California sits down with Will Gates and Arthur Agee to talk about his origin story. He takes us through his basketball journey from his High School days at Las Plumas, to playing Ju Co at Reedley and eventually becoming a standout at Arizona State. Ike was part of the 1991 NBA Drat Class and went on to play 9 seasons in the league where he won the 1997 Most Improved Player award while having a big season with the Miami Heat. He talks about the wisdom Karl Malone passed on to him while with the Utah Jazz, his experiences with Pat Riley and his time playing with the expansion Vancouver Grizzlies. Since retiring from pro basketball in 2004, after finishing up with a couple seasons overseas, Ike has Coached and owned an ABA team and invested in real estate and tech businesses. There's a lot of life lessons to unpack in this interview so we split it over 2 parts. So sit back, get your notepaper and a pen out and listen close. An Unlearning Network Production
Hosted by Will Gates and Arthur Agee
Produced by Matt Hoffar
Written by Matt Hoffar, Will Gates and Arthur Agee
Editing by: Matt Savage