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Ep. #61: Who, and Why Am I?
In this episode, Robin is interviewed by Greg Sowell, host of his own podcast called, “Why Am I?” Greg’s premise behind his “Why Am I?” podcast, is that he likes talking to interesting people and tries to trace a path to where they were to where they find themselves today. Nonetheless, Robin makes an excellent guest on his show, because clearly her path to where she was to where she finds herself today is quite an unlikely path indeed. In this episode, you will hear Greg interview Robin and learn . . . How and why Robin became a solopreneur, and what that means. (Hint: an unexpected and abrupt - and illegal - ending to her marital alimony suddenly had Robin scrambling to support herself.) Why Robin thinks we are all going through a metamorphosis throughout our lives, explaining why it’s important we embrace change and impermanence, because nothing stays the same - change is inevitable. Robin says, “...I always knew there was something more for me to do, to accomplish…always wanting to know my purpose in life…” How Robin followed the breadcrumbs along a 10-year journey. Recuperating from her nearly three-year divorce and how two and a half years after her divorce, she was faced with a very difficult financial and legal decision. How Robin freed herself from being beholden to her ex-husband, wanting to be fully self-sufficient and independent - depending only on herself. Theories on why there are droves of people coming out late in the last 4-7 years; and how many come out near their 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th+ birthdays. Coming to terms with being gay and how we choose to express ourselves (as gay people), publicly, AND, reconciling that expression of our gayness. Fear paralyzes us. When you’re feeling the fear, ask yourself, “What’s the worst that can happen?” Feel the fear and do it anyway. What roles do ‘comp-het’, ‘homophobia’, and deep-seeded denial play in our lives and how self-love, self-confidence and self-esteem can be the medicine! Wanna support our “Coming Out Late” podcast? Then please consider buying Robin a “virtual” coffee as a sign of your appreciation for all the time, love and energy she pours into our Community. Any and all donations are deeply, deeply appreciated!! Simply go to: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RobinDouglass Links to resources: SPEAKER SUMMIT #4: A Conversation with Hulu’s star couple from “Mormon No More”, and creators of their “Peace Out” podcast, Sal Osborne & Lena Schwen.You can purchase the RECORDING from this Speaker Summit by sending $27 to either Venmo: @comingoutlater or PayPal: @NovareInternational, THEN emailing Robin at Comingoutlater@gmail.com, to request your copy of the Recording. COMING OUT LATE SUPPORT GROUPS: ALL of our now FOUR support groups have gone to a $5 per person, per meeting “Cover Charge”. ALL groups are now accessible via a unique Buy Me A Coffee link that is special to each of the four support groups, AND, once you’ve paid, will take you to the Zoom link needed to enter the support group. Here are those special Buy Me A Coffee links to join each of those support groups: Women Helping Women, every Tuesday at 12:30pm EST https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RobinDouglass/e/93122 Bisexually Speaking, every Wednesday at 12:30pm EST https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RobinDouglass/e/93135 Women Loving Women, every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm EST https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RobinDouglass/e/93137 Fifty Plus & Fabulous, every OTHER Thursday from 7pm EST to 10pm EST (Next dates: 10/20/2