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Epi 75: Robotics: You can soon swim with animatronic sharks and dolphins in water parks
Listen To Episode 55 about cheetahs being re-introduced in India by clicking here<br/><br/>More than 50 years ago, a young and happy orca whale called Lolita (4 yrs old) was swimming with her mother and 6 siblings in the Pacific Ocean. She was captured and sold to an aquarium in the US. Lolita has been living in a tiny water tank in Miami, where she has been performing stunts and entertaining people. Lolita has not had a chance to meet or greet another orca whale.<br/><br/>In this episode, 10-year Taanvi from Columbus, Ohio, speaks about how Lolita's fate and the fate of hundreds of sea creatures in the world is likely to change soon. Animatronics or robotic creatures (that look and feel like the real ones) will soon be introduced in our aquariums and zoos. They are made to look and feel like the real one and people who swim near them may not even know the difference!<br/><br/>Listen to the full episode where Taanvi discusses why aquarium owners might find this cheaper and safer to use. She also shares her opinions on the challenges Lolita might face, if she were to be returned to the wild after so many years.If you are a child (aged 6-17) and would like to feature on this show, follow us on Instagram to find out about how you can be a part of this show. Write to us with your thoughts or comments at hello@wsnt.in.