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Episode 002 - Love, Laughs and Therapy Tales: Our Couples Counselling Chronicles
Step into 'The B&B Corner' for a lively chat with Stephanie and Will as they spill the beans on their week and the perks of couples counselling. Who knew diving into hidden narratives could be so revealing... and entertaining? From uncovering those pesky unconscious narratives to revelations about their communication habits, this episode is a blend of heartwarming insights and laughs. Plus a few 'heated' moments for good measure. Press play for a fresh take on love, therapy, and everything in between!Follow us <br/><br/>Asklé Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/askle.co/<br/> <br/>Stephanie Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephanie__slater/ <br/><br/>Will Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/williamjslater/<br/><br/>