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EPISODE 041 - Achieving Maximum Success through Consistent Action with Matt Fore
We sit down with Ironman Triathlete and multifamily investor Matt Fore to hear his perspective on what it takes to achieve success in life and in business. --About the guest:Matt Fore is a part time real estate investor based out of Nashville, Tennessee. In his professional life, he has spent over a decade in sales and sales leadership positions at one of the largest technology companies in the world. After finding real estate, Matt was able to achieve financial independence in 3 short years by the age of 32. Today, Matt has invested in 750+ multi-family units and various real estate debt. When he's not working, he enjoys reading, training for Ironman triathlons and convincing his brother that he is the favorite twin.Connect with Matt: Matt’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/forematt/Matt’s Podcast: Ice Cream with Investors Episode Highlights✔️ Committing to building multiple income streams to control your financial future✔️ Converting personal experiences into positive outcomes through giving✔️ The importance and impact of getting your first deal ✔️ Why the scalability makes multifamily a better investment than single family✔️ Parallels between the mindset of pro-level athletes and the mindset of investors✔️ The 4 steps to major achievement: (1) clarity, (2) consistency, (3) efficiency, (4) compounding✔️ The benefits of coaching and mentorship--❓ WANT TO LEARN MORE?Apartment Syndication FAQ Reference Sheet💡 Interested in learning more about opportunities to partner in deals as a passive investor? <br/> <br/> Connect with us!LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/br....andon-e-jenkins/Inst @birch_prosperWebsite: https://www.birchprosper.com/Interested in investing with Birch Prosper? Let's chat! Schedule a call with us.Schedule a 15 min intro call (Calendly link): https://calendly.com/birch-prosper/intro-meeting-15-min-clone-- 🤝🏻 ARE YOU AN INVESTOR IN THE DC-MD-VA AREA?Be sure to join our local meetup group!DMV Apartment Investor Community page: https://www.meetup.com/dmv-apartment-investor-community/ Question of the week:What are some of the parallels between your passions and success in business/investing❓