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Episode 1: Introducing Tyra and Brea
A podcast where two childhood best friends discuss their personal development and their journeys through life, as well as interview others about their own experiences throughout their life. In a world so suppressed and eager to move on, Forget-Me-Not Diaries seeks to delve into the mysteries and makeup of our souls, and to remember those moments that made us who we are. Join us, ask us questions, or just say hello! We would love to interact with you! Welcome to the first episode of Forget Me Not Diaries, we are so excited to finally share this with you all. In this first episode, we introduce the listeners us, your hosts, Tyra and Brea! We start out by explaining a little bit about why we wanted to make this podcast, and then do a deep dive into our relationship and where it started, before giving some tidbits about each of us personally and where we are now. We hope you enjoy this episode and we can't wait to share more of our world with you. Catch us on instagram at @forgetmenot.diaries and email us any questions, stories, or comments at fmndiariespodcast@gmail.com!