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Episode 1: Marla Renee (Sex Down South + Velvet Lips Sex Ed)
Welcome to our very first episode! <br/><br/>We're thrilled and honored to have as our first guest Marla Renee Stewart! <br/><br/>Marla Renee Stewart, MA (she/her) is a sexologist, author, and sexual strategist who runs her own sexuality education company, Velvet Lips, and is also a Co-Founder of the Sex Down South Conference. She has studied human sexuality for more than 20 years and has given over 500 workshops all over the world. She also has been featured on a variety of media outlets, including Netflix’s Trigger Warning with Killer Mike and Love & HipHop Atlanta. She co-wrote her first book, The Ultimate Guide to Seduction & Foreplay with Dr. Jessica O’Reilly, which debuted in April 2020.BLK Alchemy is a plant-based skincare and sensual wellness brand. <br/><br/>As a brand, we want to lead as an authority on intentional living and consumption. With this podcast we’ve created a safe space for conversations on how BLK femmes can alchemize connection, pleasure, and freedom. Our mission is to uplift, educate and empower listeners on pursuing optimal well being and success.<br/><br/>Celebrate being alive. Alchemize sensuality and love everyday.