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Episode 10: Concluding Season One with Kayleigh
Well, here we are y'all! We made it! Season one is now complete! In this episode, my sister Kayleigh thought it would be interesting to have us be the ones interviewed. We discuss our journey on the podcast and all our dreams for it. Kayleigh is one of my, Brea's, many blessings in this life. I don't know who I would be if I hadn't had her by my side growing up. She is loyal, respect incarnate, and takes no shit. She is her own person and knows how to hold boundaries like a motherfucker. I love her with all my heart and I am so happy to share her with you all. I hope we can get her on the podcast for her own interview one day! It's been such an experience doing this for you all, and most importantly for ourselves. Tyra and I have wanted to share our stories and our discussions for a long time with no real belief that we would ever make it a reality. We want to thank you for every like, comment, download, and sub. It does not go unnoticed. We are eternally grateful to have you all as listeners and I hope we continue to bring you joy and meaning. Thank you. xoxo Brea and Tyra