EPISODE 11: From nap-time business to full-time success

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IN THIS EPISODE: How Rachel built her business while homeschooling her two boys and the boundaries she put in place so she didn't grow too quickly and disrupt her family lifeThe challenges of entrepreneurship and motherhood and what Rachel does to maintain a healthy work-life balance What Rachel thinks through when she's trying to decide if she should take on a client who may not be a good fit (and the questions she asks to determine if the project is worth pursuing)Why Rachel has said NO to social media and what she does instead to market herself and build client relationships Rest, technology, and AI in marketing Consistency in business and what Rachel does to nurture existing clients  TRANSCRIPT:  [00:00:00] Lindsay: Rachel Eubanks is a copywriter and the founder of Inspire to Engage a company helping businesses serve customers well through their written content. Rachel believes that words build relationships and relationships build loyal customers. Rachel's a mom of two boys in happily married to her college sweetheart.She's based in Huntsville, Alabama, and I'm so excited to have you here today with us. Thank you for joining us, Rachel.[00:00:27] Rachel: I am very excited to be here as well. I'm a little bit nervous if I'm honest, but I'm extremely excited as well. Well, good, good.[00:00:35] Lindsay: Why don't you just. Start off with maybe, hopefully the easy question is just give us a little bit of the, the lay of the land of what it is that you do.I mean, inspire to engage you help you help customers with their written content, but what does that mean?[00:00:52] Rachel: So what that means is I write sales and marketing content for my clients, and that is a range [00:01:00] of things. We know that shoppers do not just go to a store anymore, so that means I write. Content for websites.I definitely write content for social media because that's where shoppers are getting to know, like, and trust you. I also write, um, inbox content, so that'd be newsletters. Sometimes it's a nurture sequence. Um, then I also write some of the hard, the hard print things like for pamphlets, so anything that's going to help a business grow, more loyal customers.I help write that. Mm-hmm. And I, I even have a couple of, of c clients that, that technically it probably falls underneath content writing. Um, it's blog and article content. Mm-hmm. Case studies. Mm-hmm. But the reality is, is once again, that content is being used to decide, do I like what this, um, what this business is doing.So yeah. I, I, I often just tell people I write for businesses, and then if they want to know a [00:02:00] little bit more, you know, if, if I'm mm-hmm. If I'm, you know, at the grocery store, if they wanna write a, want to know a little bit more, then I delve deeper. Yeah. I love that. My[00:02:07] Lindsay: kids will often say, now what do I tell people when they ask what you do?Then I always say, just tell them that I'm a marketing consultant. That's the easiest thing that they can wrap their heads around.[00:02:19] Rachel: I love it. My son, he was talking to one of his tutors one day and he said, oh, I forgot my period. My mom really, she does a lot of stuff with periods. She's gonna care about that, and I thought, Okay, so is that he, he goes around and tells people, you know, my mom makes sure that there's periods in, in, in sentences, so whatever outta the mouth of babe.[00:02:39] Lindsay: Right. I love it. That's so great. So how long have you been doing this? How long have you been over engage?[00:02:46] Rachel: This is a great question, Lindsay. I believe I'm at year six or seven. I'll tell you the r

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