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Episode 115 - How accessories can make an outfit
In this weeks episode of my podcast I share my hints & tips and advice on accessories and how they can really complete your outfit.
Accessories are not just jewellery, there's so many more that you can have in your wardrobe.
About the Host
Working with personal clients Lisa is passionate & ensures their wardrobe represents their personality, lifestyle & body shape. I help female business owners, leaders & entrepreneurs elevate their brand with a wardrobe that saves time & creates confidence.
Lisa has contributed to editorials such as Daily Mail, The Sun, Daily Express works as the Style expert for BBC & Heart Radio throughout the UK. Lisa has worked on media campaigns with Sainsbury's & Persil.
Lisa works with shopping centres as their resident Personal shopper and provides style expertise to their Fashion & Style intiatives.
Lisa has delivered presentations on Personal branding with HSBC sites in the UK and have delivered Retail Consultancy to H & M.
Where to find me:
Check out my Website HERE
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