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Episode 130: Blow the Man Down
In this episode we discuss the fake show Blow the Man Down. Content warnings for strong language, unreality (episode focuses on creation/discussion of media in an alternate reality), and references to child death (historical pirate John King). We reference or spoil: Our Flag Means Death seasons 1 and 2, No Story Is Sacred episode “Our Flag Means Death”, Blow the Man Down (television show referenced as part of alternate reality game of the same name; link goes to an “official” season 2 trailer), Javid Denkins (tumblr account), Stede Bonnet, Edward Teach, Olivier Lavasseur, Sam Bellamy, the golden age of piracy, Snapewives, What We Do In the Shadows (tv show), NSIS: “Wheel of Tropes”, Rule of Three, one of the BTMD rat memes, alternate reality game (ARG), a photograph of the TV Guide from the alternate reality where BTMD exists, “Blow the Man Down” (alternate universe Our Flag Means Death fanfic), tumblr user turq8‘s spreadsheet of collected BTMD information, “blow the man down / btmd” fanfiction collection on Archive of Our Own, NSIS: “Oracle@Sci-Fi”, Zheng Yi Sao, Goody Hallet (Witch of Wellfleet), “Witch of the Westmoreland” by Stan Rogers, The Haunting of Bly Manor, What We Do In the Shadows (movie), the Whydah Gally pirate wreck, Save the Cat, Kick the Dog, Leslie Fish‘s “Banned from Argo“, Doctor Who, X/1999, Wreck-It Ralph, pirate