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Episode #20: Interview with Stephanie Carnahan of Fawn Hills Animal Sanctuary
Midlife lesbian Stephanie Carnahan, founder and executive director of Fawn Hills Animal Sanctuary and Care Farm, is the embodiment of creating Practical Change. When coming out In her early twenties informed her life decisions and she took a path away from a career that involved the care of animals, she created a career working to improve the lives of people. Then, in her late 40’s, she and her wife made some key decisions to made her once-upon-a-time vision come true in a different but doable and rewarding way. And, she still has her “day job” while doing it. This is a second in a series of interviews of women who are creating from a place of interest, excitement, fun and joy without the expectation that it will replace their day jobs. You can learn more about Fawn Hills Animal Sanctuary and Care Farm at FawnHills.org. If you are interested in making practical change in your own life, visit practicalchangecoaching.com, and if you are enjoying the podcast, please give a review and share with your friends. #midlifelesbian<br /> #lesbianblogger<br /> #lesbiancoach