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Episode 203: Wendy And Lucy
Wendy and Lucy (2008) directed by Kelly Reichardt. Wendy (Michelle Williams), a near-penniless drifter, is traveling to Alaska in search of work, and her only companion is her dog, Lucy. Already perilously close to losing everything, Wendy hits a bigger bump in the road when her old car breaks down and she is arrested for shoplifting dog food. When she posts bail and returns to retrieve Lucy, she finds that the dog is gone, prompting a frantic search for her pet. This is The Recommendation Game, a bi-weekly podcast where two film lovers take turns to recommend a film the other has not seen, they watch and then skype to discuss it. Spoilers are a given. We are Ricardo Deakin and Orla McNelis, two filmy types who love waffling. Catch us on Dublin Digital Radio every second Monday: listen.dublindigitalradio.com/home Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/therecgame Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/therecommendationgame/