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Episode 21: The Staff Assistant. An interview with Dr. Ashley Massimino from The Staff Assistant Podcast.
This is Episode 21 of @lets_grab_a_cup podcast. “The Staff Assistant” – An interview with Dr. Ashley Massimino from The Staff Assistant Podcast. Dr. Massimino is a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist, working with one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the United States. Dr. Massimino focuses on confidential law enforcement sensitive service for active-duty military, veterans, law enforcement, first responders, health care professionals and their families. Dr Massimino has been practicing for over 14 years and has been extremely successful in implementing department training in the advancement of therapy related issues that affect both law enforcement and the prisoners she serves on a daily basis. Dr Massimino also provides advanced peer support training to small groups of peer support members within law enforcement, first responder and healthcare agencies. Above all else, Dr. Ashley Massimino is doing excellent work as the host of The Staff Assistant Podcast where she dives into the stories and lives of first responders around the country. By normalizing therapy, her show provides an insight to those who may be skeptical of the process and provides a safe place for people to share their personal experiences. I appreciate Ashley and her co-host “Ali” for joining me on the Let’s Grab a Cup! Podcast. This podcast is brought to you by Sturgeon Wellness (Intentionality, Authenticity, Resiliency). I am fully invested in the idea of a transparent, authentic, and intentional type of leader. I believe that we can do better for those we serve and those who serve along-side us. Let's step up by being vulnerable. Vulnerability is the true super-power. My goal is to find the leadership values within each one of us and really dive deep to bring it to the forefront. Find more on my website - Sturgeonwellness.com or letsgrabacup.com. You can find me @ap_sturgeon and @lets_grab_a_cup on Instagram. I am happy to hear any suggestions, comments, concerns, and if you would like to be a guest on the show, email me at sturgeonwellness@gmail.com. Come find me and Let's Grab a Cup together!