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Episode 21 Whimsical Conversations in Fort Scott: Comical Encounters and Absurd Stories
Ever wondered what's been going on in Fort Scott? Well, you're in luck because we're here to spill the beans on some of the most entertaining local happenings, like the trains that just don't seem to move and the seemingly never-ending quest for a contractor's license. Join us as we share hilarious stories about the McSitizen who berated Pat, Kevin's buddy who milks a donkey, and the curious case of Tom Dick's haircut and his mysterious disappearance - possibly due to an alien abduction or simply a lost phone!<br/><br/>Hold onto your hats, because the conversation gets even wilder as we discuss Farley and Kevin running for county positions, the windmills, and Josh's bucket. We also brainstorm about a tractor race and the enigma of the floating object in the crapper. And just when you think it can't get any crazier, we chat about cameras installed in the porta-potty and RC's tanning booth escapades. Don't miss out on all the laughter and shenanigans in this episode - we guarantee you'll want to be in the know!