Episode 23-15: The Krush War on Sugar Returns w/The Science of Sweetness

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Global Warning on Artificial Sweeteners, Caffeine & Human Performance Artificial sweeteners, also called sugar substitutes, nonnutritive sweeteners, or high-intensity sweeteners, are chemically synthesized substances that are used instead of regular sugar to sweeten foods and beverages. And according to recent warnings they are potentially dangerous to you, your family and your most certainly your athletes. Today The Krush War on Sugar makes a Triumphant return. It’s our 1st WOS episode since we were shut down by COVID and there is so much that has happened in that time. Today we are joined by Krush Hall of Famer Dr Ann de Wees Allen, Chief of Biomedical Research at the Glycemic Research Institute and we have some very important topics to cover: · Artificial Sweeteners – In May the WHO sent out a Global Warning/Statement on artificial sweeteners & the dangers they pose to public health: “The recommendation is based on the findings of a systematic review of the available evidence which suggests that use of NSS does not confer any long-term benefit in reducing body fat in adults or children. Results of the review also suggest that there may be potential undesirable effects from long-term use of NSS, such as an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mortality in adults.” We’ll discuss what this means for you & what you can do about it. And lets talk about non-nutritive sweeteners and why they are such a bad fit when it comes to sport performance. · Then The Canadian Food Inspections Agency (The Canadian version of the FDA) bans 6 energy drinks – pulling them off the shelves coast to coast for labeling issues and for excessive caffeine content, some levels were so high they are deemed unsafe for consumption.<br /> · And I also want to set the record straight- Caffeine is NOT energy so lets discuss the difference between “Energy” & Caffeine. · And finally, we know that the brain and body work together in everything we do but did you know that the brain & body connection is critical when it comes to nutrition and ultimately your performance – we explain so you can make the best decisions possible when it comes to your food timing and selections.<br /> It’s the return of the Krush War on Sugar and we are in attack mode as we break down the science of sweetness. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Google Podcast, the iHeartRadio app, and now on Spotify! Don’t forget to rate and review the show! Follow Jeff Krushell on Twitter and Facebook! E-Mail Jeff with your questions and comments for the show and don’t forget to visit KrushPerformance.com for live streaming, blogs, links, and so much more. The post

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