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Episode 24 feat. Rick Morrison
🎙 Get ready for a dynamic and insightful episode of PATC Podcasts, featuring a true expert in law enforcement, Rick Morrison! Join us as we dive into the exciting world of community policing, crime mapping, and agency leadership.👮♂️ With a wealth of experience and knowledge, Rick is here to share invaluable insights on how community policing is shaping modern law enforcement practices. Discover how crime mapping technology 🗺️ is revolutionizing crime prevention strategies and making our communities safer than ever.🚓 But that's not all – delve into the realm of agency leadership with Rick, as he discusses the key principles and strategies that drive successful law enforcement organizations.Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a seasoned professional who has dedicated his career to making our communities safer and more connected. Tune in to PATC Podcasts for an engaging conversation with Rick Morrison.