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Episode 25 - Heaping Helping of Hubris
[00:00:32]<br/>Join the irreverently insightful hosts Moroni, Abigail, aaaAAAaaa, and the audaciously adorable guest Hecate in this uproarious episode titled "Heaping Helping of Hubris." Brace yourselves for a raucous exploration of the parallels between the American Revolution and the Book of Mormon that will leave you questioning the depths of human self-importance.<br/><br/>[00:14:28]<br/>In their trademark style, the hosts dive headfirst into a scripture reading from the Book of Mormon, where comedic banter and wisecracks guide their hilarious summary of characters like Aaron, Ammon, and King Lamoni. Prepare to chuckle your way through tales of preaching, jail time, and repentance, all delivered with a lighthearted touch and a healthy dose of skepticism about the Book of Mormon's authenticity.<br/><br/>[00:42:53]<br/>Hold onto your skepticism hats as aaaAAAaaa takes the spotlight to explore the teachings of the Church and the mind-boggling connections between the Book of Mormon and the American Revolution. Armed with an article from BYU Studies, our intrepid speaker unveils the theories of Thomas O'Dea—a sympathetic yet critical scholar who somehow discovers evidence of 19th-century American political culture hidden in the sacred text. Prepare to have your mind blown! Or not.<br/><br/>[01:09:14]<br/>But wait, there's more! Brace yourself for a whirlwind tour through the history of Joseph Smith and his associate, the charismatic Sidney Rigdon. Delve into their tumultuous relationship filled with power struggles, rebukes, and alleged devil attacks. Laugh along as the hosts speculate about Rigdon's contributions to the Book of Mormon and the financial troubles that shattered the faith of many believers in the Kirtland Safety Society. It's a soap opera of biblical proportions, minus the scriptural sanctity.As the grand finale, witness Joseph Smith's audacious bid for the presidency in 1844. Marvel at his attempts to garner support by bombarding presidential contenders with letters, only to be met with indifference. Experience the sheer delusion as he forms a council and decides to run for president on an independent platform, with the ever-loyal Rigdon as his running mate. Smith's campaign promises to include everything from gradual emancipation to capital punishment for officials denying constitutional rights. It's a laugh riot, folks!Tune in to this episode as the hosts dissect the profound connections between the American Revolution, the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith's farm smarts with their signature blend of sarcasm, wit, and a pinch of nihilism. Get ready to question the depths of human hubris and maybe, just maybe, find a chuckle or two along the way. Let the hilarity commence!