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Episode 29: Let's Talk Hoarding Hoya and Hoya items
It’s a patreon-esque episode! We’ve had such a busy summer organizing many projects for the podcast and thought a chatty episode would be fun! If you’ve been in the plant hobby for any number of years (or months), you soon notice plant items taking over your home... and the plants! From pots, clips, trellises and fertilizers, there are so many things that come with the hobby! Join your hosts, Adam, Jessi and Lydia in this episode as we talk about all the plant items and plants we continue to hoard!
Want to enjoy more chatty episodes like this one? Subscribe to our Patreon HERE!
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Find our Show Notes here: https://www.thegreenplantaz.com/blogs/lets-talk-hoya-show-notes
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Get to know your hosts better!Lydia - https://instagram.com/thegreenplant.azJessi - https://instagram.com/perritos_y_plantsAdam - https://instagram.com/knotdude<br/><br/>Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/lets-talk-hoya/donations<br/><br/>Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands<br/><br/>Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy