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Episode 29 - The Magic of Mindset: Unlocking the Power Within with Katie Krimitsos
This week we have a special guest on the podcast!Katie Krimitsos is the creator of the Women's Meditation Network.Katie and I discussed her leap from having a successful, but busy business, to deciding to give it all up to create a mediation podcast network. We are also diving very deep into mindset. We cover what is it, why it is important, and how can you start to intentionally shift yours to create a better life experience. Let’s dive in![00:02:28] Katie decides to step back from her successful business after becoming pregnant. [00:05:10] Listening to intuition to create something new: a meditation podcast network.[00:10:12] Mindset shapes reality; it is crucial.[00:15:40] Question limiting beliefs, define personal success, shift perspective.[00:17:32] Challenge limiting beliefs with positive affirmations.[00:20:40] Journaling is a powerful tool.[00:23:55] Create boundaries, be present, and listen to yourself.[00:27:01] Seek more, know yourself, take action.Connect with Katie:https://womensmeditationnetwork.com
Connect with Loree:https://www.linkedin.com/in/loree-philip/https://www.instagram.com/loreephilip/https://www.facebook.com/loreephilip