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Episode 3: Sara Bacon with HiDef Humans

0 Views· 11/22/22
Small Business Happy Hour

Holly and Derek interview Sara, founder of Hi*Def Humans, a Human Design company! Forewarning - Holly and Derek have a bit of a vent session about life during the intro. Skip ahead 29ish minutes if you don't want to commiserate. ;)Follow Sara at @glitter.aka.sara or @hi.def.humans on Instagram and check out her website at hidefhumans.comFollow Holly at @orangejulius7 on both Instagram and Twitter, and check out her website at Derek at @yogawithderek on Instagram or @yogaforallhumans on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, and check out his yoga studio at the podcast at @smallbusinesshappyhour on Instagram and email us at

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