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Episode 34: Why do I always Self- Sabotage?

0 Views· 11/22/22
The Twisted Sisters Podcast

Episode 34!!! Why do I always Self- Sabotage?After our Interview with Alyce Dailey last week I (Samantha) found myself doing a lot of self reflecting. I found myself really checking in with my inner being and asking myself "Are the things I'm doing daily really creating genuine happiness for me or am I just focusing on self-care to help me survive my everyday life?" If I'm being honest I really feel like I have just been focused on surviving lately. Not only have I been just trying to survive, but I felt where I was mentally at the moment was starting to effect my relationships around me. Sometimes I truly believe I can just fake it. But let's be real, those that are closest to us can always see right through B.S. After starting to self-reflect I came across an interview with Dr. Judy Ho. She is the author of the book "Stop Self-Sabotage." So naturally I went and got the book immediately. Then BOOM just like that we had our topic for this weeks episode. Author Judy Ho defines Self-Sabotage as "Getting in your own way despite your best intentions." She uses an acronym L.I.F.E.L- Low or Shaky Self- Concept = Self concept is your image of who you are and how you define yourself.I- Internalized Beliefs = This is the learning theory, which explains how humans gain knowledge, has shown that behaviors are heavily dependent on vicarious conditioning.F-Fear of Change or the Unknown = Humans are creatures of habit. Routines and familiarity comfort our minds, which love reputation as a way to instill calm and manage stress.E-Excessive need for control = Belief in your ability to exert control over your environment and to produce desired results is essential to your well-being.In this episode we break down this acronym and discuss what type of self - sabotaging techniques we are using in their own day to day lives, relationships, health and work. We share our take away from what we found and how we are choosing to move forward in our self- growth and awareness. WE ALSO DISCLOSE SOME SUPER EXCITING NEWS AND THAT WE JUST HAD TO SHARE WITH ALL OF OUR LISTENERS!!!Our excitement is out of this world and can't wait to bring you all along on our journey.Thank you for listening to the Twisted Sisters!

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